Mikael Segercrantz
Achievements by Mikael Segercrantz Version 4/140513
"A table-based way to assign scores for actions, rooms and objects."
Atmospheric Effects by Mikael Segercrantz Version 6/140513
"A table-based way to add atmospheric effects to rooms, regions, things and scenes."
Randomness by Mikael Segercrantz Version 2/170921
"Random number generation using a simple seedable pseudorandom number generator."
Trinity Inventory by Mikael Segercrantz Version 5/070114
"Provides a framework for listing inventories in natural sentences, akin to Infocom's game Trinity. Separates carried and worn objects, followed by objects that contains other objects. What's listed in the third section is customizable via a rulebook. Objects can be marked as not listed when carried or worn as well as marked as having their contents listed in the inventory when they're empty. This extension is based upon the extension Written Inventory by Jon Ingold."